Jumat, 20 Maret 2009


oke jadi tadi gw ke blitz sama sama chinta,jose,dita,regina,yola,xenia & angel..tadinya sih kita semua mau nonton coming soon tapi anhel ma xan ga kadi yah akhirnya yg nonton cuma ber6

kita mauknya telat 15 menit, pas masuk bioskop udah gelap dan suaranya udah ngagetin bgt!!dan yg nonton cuma kira2 14 orang,,kebayang ga si?????pas lagi mau nyariduduk tiba2 suaranya kaya JENG2 dan dita kaget trus narik tas gw sampr gw jatoh ckck

pokoknya gw nyesel err ga juga sihh tapi gw stress abis nonton tu film..dasar si dita, sebelum nonton  bilangnya mau duduk di paling pinggir eh ternyata gw yang paling pinngir dan gw udah mau nangis..stress gemeteran takut mau treak pokoknya gw mau gila..akhirnya gw nonton sambil dengerin ipod HAHA STUPID tapi ga ngaruh sii..

karena gw udah ketakutan stengah idup akhirnya gw memutuskan duduk di lantai ma dita kaya orang bego and you know what kalo film udah selesai pasti lampunya nlangsung nyala dong??nah ini ngga jadi akhirnya kita tereak2 minta diidupoin lampu trus keluar sambil lari bareng2 sama orang yang duduk di depan kita..sumpah sinting bratt hihiyy tapi seru sii..

err i think thats all bye..


Jumat, 20 Februari 2009
hello!! it's been a longlonglong time since my last post huh???

the most important news is gw keterima sanur and thanks to God..haha!!!
i think that's all..

anw gw ga tau kenapa MALES bgt ngepost di blog..shoot!!

kayanya gw berencana menutup blog gw..hehe..

sumpah I really don't know what i have to write mann. there's nothing important in my life..

so i just wanna say maybe this is my last post until err idk JUNE maybe???ofcourse you know the reason huh??tryout tryout ujian ujian ujian ujian..hooohhh...my life so suck..

btw 2 days ago i did my OR test..notreally good..and you know wat miracle happen when volley test..guess wat i got 9!!!gosh i'm so happy..hehe..

i think that's all..


Minggu, 25 Januari 2009
have fun???
yesterday was my first ekskul on this year..it was fun..hahayy..

honestly gw mau tambahin gambar tapi ga bisa..internet connection is really stupid..

btw i'm sooo scared to face my big problem which is "pengumuman penerimaan sma sanur"..
just pray for me okay???



Sabtu, 17 Januari 2009
don't know what to say..
hey everyone..don't know what to say honestly..just wanna say..hmmm...
kay maybe this one is interesting enough to say..i watched pensi di JITEC (10 Jan),,it waas crazy..

sebenernya gw nonton cuma buat liat 3 hal:
  1. liat marching brass nya
  2. liat FANIE nari MODERN DANCE!!!can you imagine????
  3. liat chinta..
guess what gara2 gw takut ga kliatan finally mc decided to brought TEROPONG!!!!!hahaha...
jadi pas fanie nari kita kya tereak2 "mana fanie??mana fanie" akhirnya kita nemuin dia dengan menggunakan teropong!!!!wat de....

and you know what pas nonton kya seberang sebelah kiri gw BANCI!!!gyahahahahhh..trus pas lagi apa gtu tiba2 dia nengok ke arah gw sambil tereak "eh mami!!" and then gw langsung nengok ke arah tu banci (wajar dong???) and guess what dia ngomong gini ke gw "I'm not talking to you"(sambil ngomong dengan gaya banci) gila mann gw langsung benging and ngakak ga berenti!!!!dasar tu orang gila!!!!hahahahhh...

well that's all bye...

btw ktanya si pengumuman sanur mau dimajuin jadi tgl 19 jan..wish me luck kay??..


Sabtu, 10 Januari 2009
Robert Pattinson
hello people..

i don't know what to say honestly..haha stupid..

well i found robert pattinson's photo "aib" haha.. take a look!!!

LOL...it's totally crazy right??he look like a girl..and errrr disgusting..sorry but that's true,huh???

well btw i remember about twilight esp my twilight saga.. i haven't finished breaking dawn yet..huh



Selasa, 06 Januari 2009
hello 2009!!!
Hello everyone..well I just wanna say happy new year again..and I want to tell you how I spend my new year "party", actually it's not a party.. But both of my brothers' girlfriend came to my home just like my cousin..and it was really fun!!!hahayy..as usual ada barbequan,bakar2an and you know what while everyone lagi bakar2an my cousins and I just stayed in front of tv aand watched harpot 4 gara2 ada cedricnya!!!ahahahh..crazy..trus pas udah slesai gw ma sepupu gw nonton shutter and chasing liberty..and actually no one really watched those movies..kita malah asik ngobrol until Half past four in the morning!!!well I think that's my record..haha..

And that's all how I spend that night..at least that was mush more fun than last year how I spend new year night only with my sister on her bedroom..

Btw I really hate that I have to go to school again..I really or too enjoy my holiday..but thanks to god skolah gw ga memberlakukan masuk skolah jam stengah 7..klo mpe diberlakuin I'm so dead mann..
Anyway I want to tell everyone that I really hate someone who sok2an klo dia ngefans ma rob pattinson..weeekkk...jelek lo!!!!

btw pas liburan kmaren gw nonton twilight yang ketiga kali!!!hahah...jumat ini gw juga mau nonton how to be...ahahayyy,....senangnya....

Well I have to go..



Rabu, 31 Desember 2008
1. sebutkan penyanyi pop favoritmu!
JASON MRAZ!!!!hehe..bbyj c..rihanna???katy perry??siapa ya??hoho..
2. apa arti EMO menurutmu?
kaya apa ya???alay kah???or not???bingung..
3. setujukan kalian dangdut go-international?
setuju2 aja..
4. koleksi album apa yang kamu miliki? Ada berapa?
ada 18??..my chem 4, tc5 4, maroon5 2,patd,a7x,jobro,jason mraz,hhmmm..byk males ngetik..hehe
5. mengapa musik metal selalu triak-triak (scream)?
klo ga treak2 bukan musik metal namanya :P
6. sebarkan award ini ke 7 orang!
ke...kyanya semua orang udah dapet de..hehe..


That person
mia wdz


talking non stop

harping on the past

Juni 2008
Juli 2008
Agustus 2008
September 2008
Oktober 2008
November 2008
Desember 2008
Januari 2009
Februari 2009
Maret 2009

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Codings: inkSPLASH
Software: Adobe Photoshop